
Before and After.

I've decided to take a little technology break; I really feel like I am on the edge of breaking through this rut I've been in for so long, and the computer can be quite a distraction from what I actually need to be doing to get over the hump.

Being this inspired is really exciting because it has been lacking for years.. I've been floating around in "I don't know what I want to do with my life" land for most of this past year. It is an awfully dreadful place and I can not wait to leave..

I feel a big change coming my way; and I feel like I am almost ready for it, so I would hate to not be prepared again this year.

That being said, I'm taking a blogcation. In many ways rambling about my day to day has been cathartic, but I can really get sucked into blogger land, so I gotta go cold turkey. I will be back... soonish.

I might even come back with a whole new look for le blog.  


Thanks for being such sweet readers & blogfriends.



  1. I've contemplated doing much of the same, but can never stick to it. I find that when I get away from technology my life is so refreshed. Sometimes our tech advances help us live better lives. Often, they just get in the way and interfere with what's really important. The influence is almost toxic, in a way. Good luck, and enjoy your break!


  2. Congrats!!!! You have been awarded the Versatile Blogger Award. Stop by my blog for further details.


  3. I know the feeling about the life part.

  4. wooohoo, have fun on your break :) i look forward to seeing you blog again! sometimes, a little blogcation is just what you need...it always helps me.


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