Greetings from Lordsburg, New Mexico.
We are about 20 miles from the Arizona boarder, and we have been traveling since 11am Saturday morning.
Our final hours in Florida were pretty crazy. We had a LOT to accomplish. We practically planned this moved in 2 weeks-- and 2 weeks notice for ANY more is nuts, so for a cross county move.. we were crazed.
On Friday, we were finally able to breath a little because we found someone to take over our lease. In the state of Florida, landlords can hold you accountable for the entire duration of your lease, and they do not have to accept a new tenet to take over the remainder of your contract. LUCKILY our landlords were willing to entertain new tenets, and after denying almost EVERY applicant, we finally found one they liked, so all we will lose now is half of Octobers rent. (MUCH better than losing 6 months rent).
Saturday morning we woke up early, finished loading the trailer, cleaned, said good-bye to our neighbors, checked our tire pressures, and hit the road. We had a pretty rough start since we got on the road about 3 hours later than we wanted, and my cats were kind of FREAKING the eff out in the car with Rob.
They ended up escaping from their quarters, making their way to the drivers seat where two of them made themselves comfortable at Rob's feet.. Which was NOT good, and totally dangerous, so we pulled over, caged two of them, and I took the most obedient in my front passenger seat.
Our original plan was to get to Louisiana on the first day, but we just couldn't do it.. so we stopped right before Tallahassee around 8pm. From then on we decided to stop making plans, and just go with the flow. I cancelled all of our reservations at our various stops, and each morning over breakfast we set a plan A and plan B stop.
On Day two I decided that Louisiana is home to the worlds WORST drivers (a close second being Houston, TX). I can say this because I am a "southern girl," but states with a high "red neck ratio" have really awful drivers.
We wanted to pit stop in New Orleans, but it rained the entire time we were in Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana so we kept on, and finally made it to Beaumont, TX. Texas happens to be my place of birth, so I was pretty excited to check it out (even in the dark).
Day three we were off to Sonora, TX. Texas is very BIG, and very cool.
Today was Day four, and we drove from Sonora to Lordsburg, New Mexico. Today was my favorite drive. I don't have a lot of experience with the "west" and my only real desert exposure has been in the Palm Springs, Salton Sea area so watching the terrain change from the plains of Texas to the desert sands of New Mexico was pretty cool.
We are traveling with our three kitties.. and despite some stress on day one, everything has been smooth sailing. They are riding in the car with me, cageless, and they've been great. They take turns sleeping in the front passenger seat, and back seat, and once we land in the hotel they make themselves at home. They are funny little beings those kitties.
Today when we arrived at the hotel the mom cat ran out of the car and freaked out. I could have killed her honestly.. I had to chase that damn cat around the parking lot for like 30 mins-- then she hid under a car where some rather unfriendly ladies were texting on their cell phones.
Stupid kitty.
If you ever travel with animals, the Days Inn and Best Western are good choices. Most of them have inexpensive pet fees (we've paid $5-10 per pet), the rooms are clean, the staff is nice, and the locations are convenient.
ANYWAY. I am on R's macbook, and I don't know how to save pictures or any of that on this jazzy thing, so... once we arrive I'll share some pics.
If you are an instgramer, I've been updating frequently... username: RYPEACE
Tomorrow is our final leg of the trip. We have have about 560 miles until our final destination in Carlsbad, CA. Rob starts work in L.A. on the 15th, annddd we'll see how it all goes from there!
Hope you are all behaving!
Thanks for the update! Keep em' comin'! :)
ReplyDeleteI would absolutely hate to drive with my cats in the car. The uncontrollable weird wailing moan they do on the way to the vet is bad enough. And when Batman is angry/stressed he poops and sheds. It would be horrible.
ReplyDeleteYayyy New Mexico! I hope you waved if you went sort of near Santa Fe :) Sorry to hear about the kitties, hope it goes smoother for you on this last leg.