
Homemade Almond Milk

Almond milk is one of my favorite things. I ditched {cows}milk entirely about 3-4 years ago-- R drinks 2%, so there is usually some conflict over which milk get purchased; then I remembered that Almond milk is really inexpensive to make, and so much more yummy when it's homemade. Not to mention, blogworld and pinterest has been flooded with nut-milk recipes.

Here's how I made mine.

  • [1] Soak 1 cup of RAW almonds for 1-6 hours (closer to 6 the better)
  • [2] After almonds have soaked, drain water and mix almonds with 4 cups of H20 until finely blended.
{I used about 2 tbs of honey, 1 tbs of cinnamon and a tsp of vanilla extract, but it is just as good with no additives}
  • [3]. Pour mixture into French press to separate mixture or use cheesecloth to strain almond solids from milk.
  • [4] Slowly strain mixture {cheesecloth will take about 45 mins, french press gets more difficult as texture thickens.}
  • [5] Pour milk into refrigerator safe container. {I used an old spaghetti sauce jar with plastic wrap}
  • [6] Label; Homemade almond milk will expire in about 3 days. 

*1 cup of almonds yields 4 cups of almond milk.




  1. Almond milk is so good. I wish it had the same amount of protein as cow milk though.

  2. mmm That seems like it would be so yummy! I'm definitely going to give this a try. Thanks for sharing! :)


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