
When the worlds got you down.

When the world has never been on your side, there are few things you can resort to that can make you feel.. like... life is worth living..  I guess.

I've had it.. well, I've had some crappy hands thrown my way... let's leave it at that.

When the world feels like my worst ememy.. you know what I do?

I find a park.

and I swing on a swing.

I gaze at the stars, the clouds, the moon.
I go at night when I can't be bothered.
when it's quiet.

Then I swing.
as high as I can..
into the night.

What do you do when the worlds not your friend?


  1. I also love going to a quiet place when I am in distress. The church is a good place for me. The park also.

    Take care! :-)

  2. I love to swing too. And get into nature wherever I can.


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