
The day before the 4th

My mom flies in tomorrow so I've been busy getting my normal life out of the way-- things like laundry, commissions, volunteering, errands.. the usual.

I am currently working on this painting. Not sure where it's going next. Right now it is a little moody-- but then so am I, paint your soul right?

... but I need to put it aside so I can work on a commission-- A sunset.

Not sure how I am going to approach it yet, but I am sure it will come to me. I am going to try and get up a little earlier this week to watch the sunrise over the ocean-- that the next best thing to a sunset for someone who lives on the east coast of FL.

This is really the first time (other than my trip to Cali in Jan) that my mother and I will get to just.. hang out. I have a rather turbulent history with both of my parents-- they were young, and all I have to say about that was.. Thank God I was born an old soul.

Anyway.. I plan on showing her what our life is like here. I'm hoping she is down for trips to the ocean, kayaking, yoga and key lime pie! (Well, Key lime pie is a no brainer, if the people in my family have one thing in common, it's a love for Key Lime Pie.)

On Saturday, we're going to Cocoa beach (ugh) so we can visit with my brother who recently moved back to Orlando. (yeay) And since the only good part about Cocoa Beach is the Pig and Whistle we're going to meet up with my Aunt and her little family there for dinner, and you better believe I will be chowing down on some Fish n' Chips, mushy peas and New Castle. MMmm.

(Although, I might ask for my fish baked not fried because ever since I went Gluten Free, I feel like a million bucks! I also kicked coffee. Did I mention that already?)

AND if you follow me on IG then, you might have already seen "the dress" and out of fear of R seeing it-- the jury is out on whether or not he reads le blog, I can't post it here-- but since he doesn't have IG if you are curious about what I think I am going to wear at our wedding my user name is rypeace.

I go with the moms one week from today.

That's all for now. Be safe on the 4th internet land.



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